Word on the Street
Calm Intensity
The bridge that leads the listener across to Adam's music is always his control of the atmosphere, bringing his serenity and love of his instrument to prevail over the impetus of the rhythm that so is urgent and intense. -- Paul Corby
Honest, Beautiful Music
Hearing Adam Solomon in this solo setting is essential music listening for me. The honest and heartfelt sound from his guitar and voice sound as though you were sitting beside him in your room. A master musician as he sounds without the slightest hint of studio trickery. A beautiful recording to listen to. -- Michael Keith
Music for the Soul
Adams latest offering "Nahala" is sure to please all music aficionados, blending jazz, and blues melodies , and showcasing what a talented musician he is! -- Paul Noseworthy
Midzichenda Music
Love the fusion of traditional melodies and modern renditions such a bluesy jazzy feeling. Laid back rhythms that remind me of sitting in the verandah and watching the time passing by...excellent Professa Tikisa!!! --Wa Kalume
Happy Music
A few years ago I walked through Eglinton Station everyday and made sure I had about 10 minutes to spare just in case Adam was playing. I really wanted to take lessons from him, loved his style, but my mother stepped in and wouldn't let me, since he played in the subway. About a year later we listened on the radio to the announcement of his winning a Juno, and I just turned to my mom with a half-cocked smile. Still listen to the CD often, makes me really happy. Cheers Adam! -- Benjamin
The Music is Captivating
I have been listening to this CD virtually non-stop since I purchased it from Adam, earlier this week, while he was busking at Yonge & Bloor subway. The music is captivating, with his beautiful guitar playing & vocals.
I just love it! -- Cindy
Notes like Raindrops from Heaven!
I say raindrops, but not sad ones...these notes are joyful, full of the essence of life. No sad "I lost my job, I lost my girl, now I'm down" blues to be found here. Just songs of love and life's lessons with a spicy dash from the East African coast. Adam's fingers fly across the guitar strings like gazelles leaping across the Serengeti plains...a totally unique sound. -- Nancy
Another Groovin' CD from Professor Adam Solomon!
Thanks, Adam, for another CD! An intriguing mix of various blues styles and West African music. You even snuck in a bit of soukous. These tunes can relax but some of them got me up dancing until my feet hurt. Mmmm...it made me want to book a flight to Mississippi or New Orleans. -- Martha
"Rocket Express II"
I LOVE IT...MUSIC is fabulous, same as ADAM...haha. -- Dana Kerr
Un Guitariste Exceptionnel
Un album qui va droit à l'essentiel. Splendide récital d'un guitariste virtuose qui mélange avec brio le blues,le jazz ,le soukous ,le makossa ..... Une voix veloutée qui intervient brièvement pour laisser plus de place aux mélodies et harmonies de la guitare. -- Fojeba
Gr8 Music
I love your music, it’s like it makes me feel alive, makes me think about life and my own life. My name's also Adam Solomon, I came across you when I was just playing around on the net. cheers -- Adam Solomon
Inspired Playing
"African Renaissance Blues" is a great album that is both relaxing and epic. With a guitar style that is at the same time soothing and involved Adam Solomon is a truly inspired player with an amazing ability to create beautiful melodies. A album of incredible proportions to be sure. -- Michael
Adam's Music is Reenergizing!
After listening to Adam's music I commented to a friend that "he (Adam) can make the notes dance". if you are learning how to play a guitar or just wanted to listen to fantastic guitar playing this CD won't dissapoint you. -- Lydia
Review of "Roots Rhythms"
"This is a great showcase for the talents of Adam Solomon and friends. It is happy and strongly smiles in the face of darkness that is so much a part of this world. This album will lift the spirits, unfold the wings of the listener and allow a broken spirit to once again soar above the chaos. The beat and the guitars blend with the voices that remind us we are all truly one tribe...human." –Mark Herbert
On Adam's Contributions to "African Guitar Summit"
"Hey Adam, I just added you recently and wanted to say hi. I find your music very inspiring and cutting edge, particularly in the way you weave melody throughout the rhythm, especially from 'African Guitar Summit', which is how I first heard you--and the only recordings I have at the moment. I really like 'Mwajuma' and 'Pesa ni Unfunguo' (my favorite). After listening to that track 'Pesa ni Unfunguo', it suddenly occurred to me that the 'universal sound of humanity' is really the I-IV-V progression...it makes people feel it...I just have never heard the I-IV-V put together like you do on "Pesa ni Unfunguo...so thanks for recording it! Let me know when you play in Seattle and I'll come out for the show."--Paul
